Body Armor Bulletproof Resistant Backpack Inserts
Bulletproof Resistant Backpack Inserts
This product provides level IIIA soft armor protection.
Bulletproof Resistant Backpack Inserts are made in the USA!
Wholesale price: 12 Inserts or more $97 each
One insert $117 each
2-6 inserts $110 each
7-11 inserts $104 each
Dimensions: 13" X 15.75"
Weight: 1.50 lb
Bulletproof Inserts can be used for frontal protection
Satisfaction guaranteed (in concert with our refund policy)
Wholesale to dealers with minimum of 50 inserts and occupational license
It offers the same Threat Level IIIA anti-ballistic protection found in all our products. Ideal for commuters, students, and public safety personnel who desire an extra layer of protection from random acts of violence while on the go.
- Tested to stopping a 357 Magnum, 44 Magnum, 9mm,.45 caliber hollow point ammunition and more.