9mm RK .380 Revolver Blank Ammo - 50 Rd Box
9mm RK .380 Revolver Blank Ammo - 50 Rd Box - UMAREX
The report (sound made) when firing this ammunition is very loud. It is comparable to the report of .380 live rounds. All Ammunition is Not Created Equally. Maxsell has tested countless other manufacturers and these rounds are simply the best.
The powder residue left after firing these rounds is much less compared to that of other lesser quality blanks. This is a very important characteristic for blank ammunition. The more residue left of your blank gun the more likely it is to misfire. It is very important to keep your blank gun clean and oiled.
WARNING! "Let The Buyer Beware"
Because of the world wide shortage of ammunition, new suppliers have entered the marketplace offering sub-standard blank ammo. This ammo is to our guns what watered down gasoline is to a vehicle. The auto will run but will not perform optimally. Maxsell Corp. will no longer guarantee the operation of their blank firing firearms when ammunition other than that purchased from Maxsell is used in their products. "Let the buyer beware."
*WARNING: Not for use with Real Guns!